Mathober Pieces

Mathober 2023 Prompts are here.
This year I used a mix of p5js and procreate to play with stellar scenes – enjoy! There were some great sketches on Mathstodon including hilarious videos, comics, generative music, puns, and more.
Links on titles take you to codePen full page view. Some days I played with desmos as well.
to just touch a little
with an atom of being
infinitely close

Desmos sketch here.
angles cleaved in two
leave us these lines to reflect
our bond to center

Desmos sketch here.
this similitude
reminds us — we are but scaled
copies of ourselves

Desmos sketch here.
when we see sections
of ourselves — our potential
manifests loci

our minds are but nodes
connected to other nodes
supergraphs of thought

we all seek something
— but some of us search for that
which lives in our minds

you lean with each breath
an asymmetric beauty
skewing towards light

life — made of cycles
of celestial bodies
take time — to observe

we are but strange loops
beginning — as but star dust
waiting to return

we have these pieces
that touch, but not completely
and nowhere neatly

we are but loci
formed from a celestial
focus of matter

forces — invisible
can pull these orbits — a dance
bound together — twist

rings of time dance here
in this moment we call life
repeating sunrise

it is our gaps — holes
that define the loops in which
pass through our being

a breath — in and out
a cycle of condition
breathe universe — breathe

in our very base
rests a potential power
of infinity

what is taken out
can change the very being
of what you are — self

what seems so scattered
may correlate to what we
cannot perceive — lines

we have vertices
that connect by going through
our innermost self

the difficulty
is with the wanting to sum
our sequence — of time

divide this circle
infinite and even parts
this — apeirogon

how rigid we are
is infinitesimally
movable — a flex

I learned to use p5.geometry and got code for making model work here.
Jessen’s icosahedron was created by using vertices in this file.
with two points in time
a connection forms— beyond
parallels exist

the weights of these threads
connect us to the weights of
thoughts and memories

here, we all gyrate
— spinning around an axis
of pure — utter joy

a meditation
can correspond with angles
of parallel self

from our base — our core
we can rise up — and ascend
to a place of peace

this simplicity
forms when you remove a part
of what defines you

stardust is exchanged
and becomes the state of you
connected — ancient

sometimes what stops us —
makes us pause — is what we miss
— what’s removable

multiple passes
brings deeper understanding
radial — days — nights

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