1 min read

A blizzard

A collective noun for snowy owls is a blizzard. I doodled Koch snowflakes with a blizzard of these superb owls. They hunt day and night and are an utter delight to observe.
Rows of snowy owls paired on repeating logs with mountains in the background with a Koch snowflake.

A collective noun for snowy owls is a blizzard. I doodled Koch snowflakes with a blizzard of these superb owls. They hunt day and night and are an utter delight to observe.

Rows of snowy owls paired on repeating logs in a plane with mountains in the background. A Koch snowflake of lighter and darker texture is overlaid with snowflakes falling. Digital art.

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Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



Creative Coding