1 min read

A Ripple of Ripples

a gradient shading of overlapping circles from orange to purple

One thing I love about math and art is the conversations and iterations that flow from their patterns and beauty. After posting Walking Ripples, I have enjoyed seeing how the simplicity of shading circles propagates in conversation, art, and exploration.
Here are just a few of the follow-up activities, responses, iterations, and play that I have seen or been a part of since. Please share if you have any other explorations with overlapping circles. I am grateful for everyone sharing their creative endeavors and ways in which they think - thank you!

  • Rachel Ehrlich (A Joy of Randomness) made an amazing pen plotter algorithm using repeated symmetric differences.
green ink pen plotter intersection of circles
Rachel Ehrlich's pen plotter output
  • At the Recurse Center, we (J, Basil, Gil, and I) had a shader jam and made this. The insight, ideas, iteration, and collaboration was so much fun.
  • I quilted the concept:
A quilt of overlapping circles with turquoise and blue/white that forms a sine wave flowing down with various sized circles

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Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



Creative Coding