1 min read

An Improbability of Crested Puffins

A collective noun for puffins is an improbability! I live in Oregon with these beautiful Tufted Puffins (also known as crested). It’s pretty probable that improbable things will happen – just look at the perfection of these little birds.
one large puffin amongs many small with the costal range in the background and a title and equations of probabilities

A collective noun for puffins is an improbability! I live in Oregon with these beautiful Tufted Puffins (also known as crested). It’s pretty probable that improbable things will happen – just look at the perfection of these little birds.

Title - improbability of crested puffins is written among the coastal range with other probability formulas along the range. At the base, hundreds of crested puffins gather with one large (very large) puffin standing to the left and facing right.

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