

Lover of math, art, literature, and life.
heagonal tiles of game pieces with penguins arranged tightly packed. each piece points to and x,1,2,or 3 hearts

Hex-a-Huddle Files and Instructions

My daughter and I created a game called Hex-a-Huddle a little while ago (2020) and I have been quite delayed getting instructions and files out to everyone. So… here it is. If you feel like this would be better placed on a maker page or space, feel free to share and do so. If you […]
2 min read
hexagonal laser cut tiles arranged in an artistic display

Hexagon Play

I created this design to be in that present moment frame of mind and play with the beauty of hexagons. So many possibilities of artistic compositions exist. I am working on a p5.js generative art piece with this design as well and will post it once it is complete. Here are the SVG files. I […]
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a cardioid made with strings

String Art Presentation

I put these slides together for the Seattle Math Jam 1/18/2021 and thought I’d share them here. I have investigated string art with many of my middle school groups and have had so much fun finding patterns. This slide deck was put together with some extra toys for small group investigations. Code li
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a very long image of cats swinging or holding on to wires making catenary curves

Catenary Kitties

I am really enjoying Genuary 2022. For the architecture prompt, I created these catenary kitties. The kitties are drawn in Adobe Fresco and the code is in p5.js. If you go to the code page, clicking the work will randomize the kitties and typing “p” will bring motion to the clouds. Below is one of [
1 min read
a butterfly on a stone

A Year of Haiku

In 2021 I published a set of haiku every 19 days. I found myself grow as a poet and a strength in pairing my thoughts with photography and art. Below are links to each set of haiku: 1 – clouds splash at my feet 2- whispering of blue 3- you lay cleft at dawn 4- […]
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10,000 footprints on a dune in yellow white and blue - art

10,000 Steps of a Sandhill Crane

This is my first year participating in Genuary. There are code prompts for each day of the month of January. I don’t know if I will be able to post every day, but hope to learn from each of the prompts and will share pieces as I complete them. This first piece plays with the […]
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a painting with two kissing lunes made of smaller circles that are inside the larger done with a palette knife

Ocean Transformation

This weekend, I reflected on the ocean through my paints. I think of waves, tides, days, seasons and life in iterative cycles. The sun, moon, breath, and wave come as the same and different. Every wave that I hear is a different wave and the same ocean. Life is beautiful. This is a 16x20x1 acrylic [
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Borb Generator

Borb Generator

Sometimes you just need a borb. They make good digital stickers, profile pics and more. I created the Borb Generator to make random borbs using pointillism in p5js. There are over 900,000 points in each Borb. Here is a link on OpenProcessing to the Borb Generator to make your own. Refresh to code to
2 min read
a white pelican on a blue body of water at sunset with flocks of cantor dust and the cantor set elements throughout

American Peli-cantor

These birds utterly amaze me with their gigantic wings, synchronous motion, and high-up flight. They really are a joy to watch in flight, feeding, and landings.
1 min read
Evening Grosbeak navigating a prime constellation.

Evening Grosbeak

When contemplating a spirally constellation of twin primes, you may ask, “Just how many are there? – Infinite?” The Twin Prime Conjecture would say so.

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Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



Creative Coding