1 min read

Chestnut-backed Chicka-dy/dx

Another Math bird in the series! These little chickadees make the cutest noise. They have had a brood every year in the neighbors gum tree. When I see their rollercoaster flight, I think of slope fields.
chickadee with a slope field and the derivate dy/dx = 2co(x/3) with the rollercoaster flight sketched

Another Math bird in the series! These little chickadees make the cutest noise. They have had a brood every year in the neighbors gum tree. When I see their rollercoaster flight, I think of slope fields.

chickadee with a slope field and the derivate dy/dx = 2co(x/3) with the rollercoaster flight sketched

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Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



Creative Coding