I wanted to undertake a data project that could be completed in less than a day, so I decided to work with storm manhole data from Salem, Oregon. The primary aim of this project is to foster community creativity—whether through code, imagination, writing, or conversation. The map has transformed 10,
Mathober 2023 Prompts
Mathober is just right around the corner, so I thought I’d post this year’s prompts early for those that like to plan ahead or incorporate any of this into a classroom. I look forward to seeing everyone’s creative expression of this year’s prompts. If you’ve never participated – join in! Here are so
Using the “hat” monotile recently published, I put together over 20 coloring sheets that will hopefully inspire some to make their own maps with this shape. These sheets can be placed together as monotile islands – or Monotīslands. These may be fun to code with, use in classrooms, worldbuilding, sto
1/4 Update
I’ve been busy the last 3 months, so I thought I’d summarize the doodles and musings I’ve been working on that haven’t been posted (like my puffin, ducky, or quilt). A Cantor Set Poem Aperiodic Monotile Doodle This one is in vector drawing (svg) of the aperiodic monotile. Mandalas Puddle of Stars I
An Improbability of Crested Puffins
A collective noun for puffins is an improbability! I live in Oregon with these beautiful Tufted Puffins (also known as crested). It’s pretty probable that improbable things will happen – just look at the perfection of these little birds.
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