Mathober Complete!

I enjoyed doing Mathober this year and plan to post a new set of prompts for next year. I always feel like I grow as a person with these short, yet focused, activities. Please join in next fall. Thanks to those that joined in on twitter. Special thanks to John Golden who did every day […]
Mathober Complete!

I enjoyed doing Mathober this year and plan to post a new set of prompts for next year.  I always feel like I grow as a person with these short, yet focused, activities. Please join in next fall. Thanks to those that joined in on twitter. Special thanks to John Golden who did every day on his Talking Numbers blog. Foldster had some amazing fractals and gifs on twitter that were mesmerizing and innovative. Until next year…


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Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



Creative Coding