Mathober Doodles

This year, I hope to do mathy sketches as inspired by John Golden’s tweet. Initially this post was working off of prompts from another website, and after learning of some controversy, I have decided to rename and recenter this post and month to Mathober. A learner brought up the issues with a tradem
Mathober Doodles

This year, I hope to do mathy sketches as inspired by John Golden’s tweet.

Initially this post was working off of prompts from another website, and after learning of some controversy, I have decided to rename and recenter this post and month to Mathober. A learner brought up the issues with a trademarked site and inspired this change. I still want to doodle daily this month, so I am running with a new theme – Mathober.

The prompts I plan to use for Mathober are below (I retro-changed days 1-4). Feel free to join in, catch-up and use whatever mediums float your boat. #mathober on media if you want to share.


Here are my doodles:

10/31/20: Path - The Chosen Path
10/31/20: Path – The Chosen Path
10/30/20: Matrix  - Kitty Covariance
10/30/20: Matrix – Kitty Covariance
10/29/20: Gradient - Gradient of Humidity
10/29/20: Gradient – Gradient of Humidity
10/28/20: Angles - Swiftly Angled
10/28/20: Angles – Swiftly Angled
10/27/20:  Congruent: WODB?
10/27/20: Congruent: WODB?
10/26/20: Rate - Morning Ritual
10/26/20: Rate – Morning Ritual
10/25/20: Distance - Would you rather?
10/25/20: Distance – Would you rather?
10/24/20: Sum - Irrationally Interested in Constant Natural Growth.
10/24/20: Sum – Irrationally Interested in Constant Natural Growth.
10/23/20:Point - The Point of Evolution
10/23/20:Point – The Point of Evolution
10/22/20: Fractal - Manual construction
10/22/20: Fractal – Manual construction
10/21/20: Linear - I stand by my point
10/21/20: Linear – I stand by my point
10/20/20: Maximum - Contemplating if "Dead or Alive?" is a Volume Problem...
10/20/20: Maximum – Contemplating if “Dead or Alive?” is a Volume Problem…
10/19/20:  Area - The Ultimate Paint Job
10/19/20: Area – The Ultimate Paint Job
10/18/20: Difference - Reuleaux  Triangle w/ Constant difference
10/18/20: Difference – Reuleaux Triangle w/ Constant difference
10/17/20: Combined -  To a Line
10/17/20: Combined – To a Line
10/16/20: Sorted - The Polynomial Not-Decimal System
10/16/20: Sorted – The Polynomial Not-Decimal System
10/15/20: Negative - Gap
10/15/20: Negative – Gap
10/14/20: Crescent - Lune of Hippocrates
10/14/20: Crescent – Lune of Hippocrates
10/13/20: Truncate - Tantalizing tardigrades tango to tarantellas on trendy truncated tetrahedrons.
10/13/20: Truncate – Tantalizing tardigrades tango to tarantellas on trendy truncated tetrahedrons.
10/12/20: Iterate - Winds of Sierpinski
10/12/20: Iterate – Winds of Sierpinski
10/11/20: Decay - Good Morning!
10/11/20: Decay – Good Morning!
10/10/20: Growth - Petri dish
10/10/20: Growth – Petri dish
10/9/20: Simple - Simple Tools
10/9/20: Simple – Simple Tools
10/8/20: Expansion - Beenomial Expansion
10/8/20: Expansion – Beenomial Expansion
10/7/20: Elastic - Lunar Potential
10/7/20: Elastic – Lunar Potential
10/6/20: Spiral - Quarter Turn
10/6/20: Spiral – Quarter Turn
10/5/20: Pi - Gasket of my Pi
10/5/20: Pi – Gasket of my Pi
10/4/20: Wave - Sine of a Radio
10/4/20: Wave – Sine of a Radio
10/3/20: Big - Black Hole Bulk Modulus
10/3/20: Big – Black Hole Bulk Modulus
10/2/20: Turbulence - Threads of turbulence
10/2/20: Turbulence – Threads of turbulence
10/1/20: Infinity - Sea of Infinity
10/1/20: Infinity – Sea of Infinity

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Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



Creative Coding