Winter solstice 2022
Happy winter solstice! I doodled a hedgehog:
Chalkboard Dreams
Kitty dreams of such wonders… @mathart4all requested a t-shirt design that was so much fun to do! The prompt included soma, rubiks, space, Euler’s Formula, The Bridges of Königsberg, and a kitty (of course). If you want to buy this on Bonfire the link is here. However, I am all for supporting local
Indigo Bunting
Indigo buntings are majestically beautiful birds. I had a hard time deciding the direction to go in doodling this one, so I dug up a lot of fun facts: A group of indigo buntings is called a sacrifice, mural, or decoration. Their indigo color comes from the structure within their feathers rather than
Serendipitous Oulipo Haiku
I copied, pasted, cut, poked, threaded, beaded, coded, and finished Serendipitous Oulipo Haiku. Four hundred and eighteen haiku when rearranged by first, second, and third lines yield 418 x 418 x 418 poems. That is 73,034,632 haiku that often work, sometimes seem profound, and other times are broken
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