Winter solstice 2022
Happy winter solstice! I doodled a hedgehog:
Chalkboard Dreams
Kitty dreams of such wonders… @mathart4all requested a t-shirt design that was so much fun to do! The prompt included soma, rubiks, space, Euler’s Formula, The Bridges of Königsberg, and a kitty (of course). If you want to buy this on Bonfire the link is here. However, I am all for supporting local
Catenary Kitties
I am really enjoying Genuary 2022. For the architecture prompt, I created these catenary kitties. The kitties are drawn in Adobe Fresco and the code is in p5.js. If you go to the code page, clicking the work will randomize the kitties and typing “p” will bring motion to the clouds. Below is one of [
American Peli-cantor
These birds utterly amaze me with their gigantic wings, synchronous motion, and high-up flight. They really are a joy to watch in flight, feeding, and landings.
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