mathober 2024 sketches
It’s mathober! I will be updating this page with my sketches (in procreate and code for this year. Procreate sketches: (not all will be done this month – they take longer): P5js sketches: The code is on my codepen collection here.
randomness – a generative zine
I coded a generative zine to bring to XOXO 2024. It is different every time it loads with a sampling of p5.js sketches. Each zine has hundreds of thousands to millions of generated shapes and points using random numbers. The github is here (the code is slow to run and painful to read). If you […]
I made Curve, a coloring book, to bring to XOXO 2024 this week. If you’d like to print/play: See the Pen Curve Zine by Sophia (fractal kitty) (she/her) (@fractalkitty) on CodePen.
After playing simple yet addictive games like Threes and 2048, I wondered how the gameplay mechanics would translate using Fibonacci numbers, which introduce a unique twist. I wrote a prototype in p5js. You can swipe on mobile or use arrows/WASD on desktop. I did this in about a day and unit tested
Genuary 2024
This year’s Genuary code is here (I will update as I go through the prompts). My codepen gallery is here. I am hoping to play with symmetry the entire month. Day-31 – generative music (this runs slow on mobile and some machines) Day-30 – shaders Day-29 – Signed Distance Functions (if we keep trying
haiku without words
I created haiku without words. This is just a draft of a concept. I contemplated the #wccchallenge prompt “improbable architecture” and thought of our solar system, of atoms and electrons, and of poetry without words. Click it to start. Your browser does not support iframes. If the sketch doesn’t lo
Hyperbolic Duckies Published – NCTM
My hyperbolic duckies project is now published in the NCTM MTLT in the For the Love of Mathematics Department:
Mathober Pieces
Mathober 2023 Prompts are here.This year I used a mix of p5js and procreate to play with stellar scenes – enjoy! There were some great sketches on Mathstodon including hilarious videos, comics, generative music, puns, and more. Links on titles take you to codePen full page view. Some days I played w
1/4 Update
I’ve been busy the last 3 months, so I thought I’d summarize the doodles and musings I’ve been working on that haven’t been posted (like my puffin, ducky, or quilt). A Cantor Set Poem Aperiodic Monotile Doodle This one is in vector drawing (svg) of the aperiodic monotile. Mandalas Puddle of Stars I
Hyperbolic Ducky
Got a bug in your code? Is there a proof giving you grief? Did you have a bad day? In the midst of a decision? Why not talk with a ducky? I have a hypothesis that these hyperbolic duckies are the best listeners. Creating these ducks isn’t exact, and the instructions reflect that. I don’t […]