
hyperbolic curves drawn in 4 quadrants very close together - almost like quilling  - black and white

Mathober 2022 Code Doodles

This post is late, but here is the code doodles from mathober2022: Click to change the code below. Or go here for the full page version. See the Pen Mathober2022 by Sophia (@fractalkitty) on CodePen.
1 min read
Ancient Is

Ancient Is

Below are a few of the images created with my “ancient is” code in p5js. I created a set is paired with haiku on Medium here and code is here (click to change).
1 min read
a green circle with lots of little circles of various colors and opacity moving through almost a petri-dish scene

Creative Coding Update

April was a fun month of coding. I am sharing a few of the pieces and activities from this month below. Have fun forking, playing, and creating! A Quiet Space This piece was created at the end of March as a stream of consciousness. I started with the Birb’s Nest coding group prompt of “space” […]
4 min read
a work of art with a stick with 3 draping wires full of paper strips and beads

Serendipitous Oulipo Haiku

I copied, pasted, cut, poked, threaded, beaded, coded, and finished Serendipitous Oulipo Haiku. Four hundred and eighteen haiku when rearranged by first, second, and third lines yield 418 x 418 x 418 poems. That is 73,034,632 haiku that often work, sometimes seem profound, and other times are broken
3 min read
A folk art design with two birds, and flowers

Spring Folk

Generative folk art in p5.js
2 min read
an electric work of art with white circuit-board like charges on a dark blue background


I created the following composition while playing with code as part of Genuary. I wanted to get the feeling of a discharge of energy. Everytime the code is run, a unique new piece is generated. Below are some of the infinite varieties.
1 min read
a cardioid made with strings

String Art Presentation

I put these slides together for the Seattle Math Jam 1/18/2021 and thought I’d share them here. I have investigated string art with many of my middle school groups and have had so much fun finding patterns. This slide deck was put together with some extra toys for small group investigations. Code li
1 min read
a very long image of cats swinging or holding on to wires making catenary curves

Catenary Kitties

I am really enjoying Genuary 2022. For the architecture prompt, I created these catenary kitties. The kitties are drawn in Adobe Fresco and the code is in p5.js. If you go to the code page, clicking the work will randomize the kitties and typing “p” will bring motion to the clouds. Below is one of [
1 min read
10,000 footprints on a dune in yellow white and blue - art

10,000 Steps of a Sandhill Crane

This is my first year participating in Genuary. There are code prompts for each day of the month of January. I don’t know if I will be able to post every day, but hope to learn from each of the prompts and will share pieces as I complete them. This first piece plays with the […]
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Borb Generator

Borb Generator

Sometimes you just need a borb. They make good digital stickers, profile pics and more. I created the Borb Generator to make random borbs using pointillism in p5js. There are over 900,000 points in each Borb. Here is a link on OpenProcessing to the Borb Generator to make your own. Refresh to code to
2 min read

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Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



Creative Coding