Winter solstice 2022
Happy winter solstice! I doodled a hedgehog:
Chalkboard Dreams
Kitty dreams of such wonders… @mathart4all requested a t-shirt design that was so much fun to do! The prompt included soma, rubiks, space, Euler’s Formula, The Bridges of Königsberg, and a kitty (of course). If you want to buy this on Bonfire the link is here. However, I am all for supporting local
I got side tracked when thinking about the next math bird in a series and thought “I’m long overdue for a kitty comic.” Dozen=12 and Gross=144
Space-Pigeonholes Imagined
The Pigeonhole Principle merged with the contemplation of black holes today. I envisioned Fractal Kitty at the whiteboard with this one, but went without the kitty today – enjoy.
Dark Mathemagics
I hope to have a full spell list for all Mathemagics eventually, but a quickly drafted comic will do for now – Enjoy.
Coffee Temperature
If you ever need a piecewise function, this is mine. I redid this from my 2x3in Mathober doodle (I added the overheated peak).
Mathober Complete!
I enjoyed doing Mathober this year and plan to post a new set of prompts for next year. I always feel like I grow as a person with these short, yet focused, activities. Please join in next fall. Thanks to those that joined in on twitter. Special thanks to John Golden who did every day […]