
a cat shaped klein bottle sketch

Klein Bottle Kitty

Drawn in Concepts
A toothpick fractal being drawn on graph paper

Week 39: Toothpicks

A box of toothpicks can lead to an afternoon of entertainment. This week learners can play with the toothpick sequence. The sequence produces really interesting geometries and lines as it grows. I recommend watching Numberphile’s Youtube video on this sequence here. There is also OEIS’ website that
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Toothpick Worms GIF

Toothpick Worms GIF

Go here to play with a generator: []
truchet tiles that are laser cut making a knot

Week 38: Knotty Math Tiles

I love playing with knots. Last year I designed a Knotty Math toy with wooden tiles. It is part of a series of toys I have been working on that help create single pointed mindfulness with math. These are for kids and adults alike. I think sand, clay, tiles, and tessellations can all be instruments [
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Kitty is sleeping and dreaming of a toothpick fractal made of kitties sleeping in the same position

Kitty’s Toothpick Dream

And for some fun play with toothpicks go here: []
a platform game where the platforms are the cantor set with a cat and a yarn ball falling

Cantor Set Kitty Kong

No one wanted to play with kitty…
a cantor set kirigami folded and cut

Week 37: Cantor Set Kirigami

For this week’s activity, learners can play with Cantor Set Kirigami. The Cantor Set is created by drawing a line. Next, remove the middle third of that line (this will create 2 lines). For each of the two lines just created, remove the middle third (this will create 4 lines). Continue with this pro
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a sunflower making a heart

Week 36: Golden Angle Scavenger Hunt and Drawing Phi-Nominal Phi-lowers

The Golden ratio appears in nature all around us. Flowers and other botanicals often grow at an optimal (Golden) angle of about 137.5 degrees. For the 52-weeks of math activity, I encourage learners to seek out the Golden angle on a scavenger hunt. Take pictures or sketch in a nature journal the pin
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a sunflower spiral pattern made with stickynotes

Sticky Note Sunflower

What you are seeing is a growth pattern of sticky notes that uses the Golden Angle (137.5 degrees) and then slowly decreases. This angle is commonly found in the plants all around us because it is an optimal angle for growth. It was a lot of fun playing with the growth angle while creating memorizin
1 min read
a strange attractor drawn like silk with turquoise lines and dots

I’m Attracted to Attractors

So many plots and mathematical musings throughout my life have brought on a sense of artistic beauty and awe within my being. In the windowless halls of engineering firms I have smiled at harmonics, or in a homeschooling room squealed in glee when I stumbled upon Pisano periods by trying to play Fib
2 min read

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Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



Creative Coding