Week 35: Yarn-it-up Hyperbolic Space
This week let’s play with yarn! We are going to play with hyperbolic space. You will need some yarn and a crochet hook. You don’t need to know how to crochet, but you will need a little patience and a lot of desire to play. These don’t have to be perfect, and “mistakes” just add […]
Isometric Yarn GIF
I am working on my GIF skills… Maybe a 52-weeks of hands-on math idea for next week.
Unbiased Trade Study (DAR)
No weights were used, the only stakeholder in the process was Kitty, and scores need not be normalized. CMMI Level 5 not achieved… INCOSE engineers may have given an eyeroll…
Week 34: Kirigami
I love paper cutting, so last week I did kirigami with some of my classes. What was so fun about this activity is the amount of play and discovery that happened with two simple supplies (paper and scissors). Below are the videos I recorded for my classes to be able to go back and work […]
Week 33: Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe
Games don’t have to be complicated to require some good thinking skills. We all learn tic-tac-toe when we are younger. We soon learn how to always come to a stalemate with an equal opponent. Once you get the strategy, it can get a little boring… But what if we add a layer (or two) of […]
Flipping Origami Class Video
After teaching this a few times this week, I created a video for those that missed it or want to go back. We made two different origami toys that have some flipping fun. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Isometric Drawing (Class Video)
After teaching this a few times this week, I created a video so those that may want to pause and draw at their own pace while playing with isometric paper. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I love doodling on Isometric paper – enjoy! Here is a link to the isometric […]
Fantasy Map Drawing Video Post from This Week’s classes
This is a post for my students on fantasy map drawing from our virtual classes this week. The video was too long for youtube, so hopefully you can all grab it here. This isn’t pro-video content (so forgive my “ums” and roughness). It is intended to allow students to pause and go at their own […]
Week 32: Isometric Drawing
Let’s get out our pencils, isometric paper, and thinking caps this week! Isometric drawings are often used in engineering and design as a way to display 3D ideas. They can also be used to create optical illusions and escheresque works of art. To start, print some isometric paper, or set your digital