
a kitty with a white board with algebraic terms getting combined, but instead of variables there are different germs

Fractal Kitty Teaches Biology…

a kitty with yarn illustrating the coastline paradox

Coastline Paradox Meets Kitty

three kids sitting in a radio room

KMUZ Poetry on the Air With the Family

KMUZ’s Steven Slemenda interviewed our family in a two part series for a wonderful program called Poetry on the Air. Thanks to KMUZ and Steve Slemenda for sharing. This show is in the archives on their website, and with permission I am posting it here. My children were appreciative of the experience
1 min read

Week 14: Guess the rule – math game

One of my hobbies is to take completely non-math related games and modify them for classes. I don’t know what to call this game, it is probably a variation of “psychiatrist” or something, but here is how it goes: In a group of at least 4 players, ask one player to leave the room and […]
1 min read
a cat sleeping curled up next to a similar shaped donut

It’s not just Coffee Cups…

a review sheet with color coded angles with labels for transversals to parallel lines

Angle Review sheet

Mobius strip made with clay

Week 13: Clay Möbius Strips

There are lots of amazing paper Möbius strips that are fun. You can cut down the middle, twist multiple times, make a Möbius paper chain, and try it with various materials. For a basic paper tutorial, I found a good one here. Rather than creating the classic paper strips, this week learners will be
2 min read
two kids running at the beach

Week 10: Power of Two Tag

Tag is a great way to get moving, and it isn’t just for kids. I have had my highschool groups play with just as much zeal as the 5 year olds. For this week I encourage learners to create outdoor tag games that incorporate a mathematical concept. Here is an example using the power of […]
1 min read
a dragon curve made with toys on the left and with lines on the right

Week 9: Dragon Curve

The Dragon Curve is a fractal that is well explained in this numberphile video. This week learners can create a dragon curve with a strip of paper, Lux Blox, Python programing, Legos or toothpicks. Paper: For paper, I would suggest using a strip of thin paper. Thicker paper doesn’t produce as many f
1 min read
a flower pyramid night scene made with black dots

Week 8: Density Through Pointillism

This week we are going to look at density in a two-dimensional sense. The idea is to create two dimensional images using various densities of points. The medium and approach can vary for the classroom. Some ideas are: Sand art on a stick surface using different densities of sand (try light colored s
1 min read

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Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



Creative Coding