Math Finds – Complex Analysis Resource
This is the first in a new category, Math Finds, on Fractal Kitty. I am a believer in growth-mindset and lifelong learning. Peoples’ willingness to share and educate allow for exposure to a plethora of topics and interests. This post is about a wonderful opensource book I found by Juan Carlos Ponce
Dark Mathemagics
I hope to have a full spell list for all Mathemagics eventually, but a quickly drafted comic will do for now – Enjoy.
Coffee Temperature
If you ever need a piecewise function, this is mine. I redid this from my 2x3in Mathober doodle (I added the overheated peak).
Swirled Series Challenge
I decided to join Craig S. Kaplan’s Swirled Series Challenge. I played the last two nights and have some draft GIFs below. I don’t have a ton of time, but it’s stuff like this that relaxes me at night. I look forward to seeing what people come up with. I still need to export a […]
Draft of Knotty Math Tile Code
Here is a rough draft of Knotty Math tile code. Code was adapted from Shaw Wan’s tangram code on CodePen. I am hoping to adapt more tile designs for play. This will not work on touch screens/phones – I’ll have to contemplate an app for that. I am just learning… Drag the tiles below and […]
Mathober Complete!
I enjoyed doing Mathober this year and plan to post a new set of prompts for next year. I always feel like I grow as a person with these short, yet focused, activities. Please join in next fall. Thanks to those that joined in on twitter. Special thanks to John Golden who did every day […]