a coded poem
//poem is in the comments (and on codepen)
let points = []; //you start as an empty set
from beneath
a coded poem
//poem is in the comments (they describe the code as well)
let air; //there is this substance
of atoms
meditate to an infinite reversible poem + scrolling generative art
For the best experience, open on a desktop— scroll
in dynamic existence
15 haiku + generative symmetries
one moment — one place
influences the next one
all these breaths are linked
reflections exist
haiku without words
I created haiku without words. This is just a draft of a concept. I contemplated the #wccchallenge prompt “improbable architecture” and thought of our solar system, of atoms and electrons, and of poetry without words. Click it to start. Your browser does not support iframes. If the sketch doesn’t lo
just enough for beauty
let cRng = [];
function setup() {
//this canvas
createCanvas(windowWidth * 0.8, windowHeight * 0.7);
function draw() {
//of time
t = -0.2
arcs are we
poem is the comments //; full page view is here.
let arcs, t;
let nArcs = 400,
diam = 100,
a = 0.005;
parametric pieces
let pieces; //we are but arrays of different versions of ourselves
let timeOfNow; //never the same, yet self similar
to remind ourselves
a coded poem
function setup() {
//we make these spaces for creation
createCanvas(600, 600);
function draw() {
//in which notions of
Toggled Existence
//we are but canvases with centers and symmetry
let aCenterOfBeing;
//that hold strands - threads of thought
let strandsOfThought = [];