
a mandala of jellyfish with overlapping tentacles

1/4 Update

I’ve been busy the last 3 months, so I thought I’d summarize the doodles and musings I’ve been working on that haven’t been posted (like my puffin, ducky, or quilt). A Cantor Set Poem Aperiodic Monotile Doodle This one is in vector drawing (svg) of the aperiodic monotile. Mandalas Puddle of Stars I
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a woman walking into an enormous wave with cusp catastrophe curves on the corners

pdf – of time and cosmos

Here is a PDF of the Mathober Series – of time and cosmos So, I printed a book for Mathober2022, but it is insanely expensive. If you’d like to flip through this work of art, here is a pdf.
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a blue and purple sky scene

Ancient Is

generative art + haiku ancient is the light that pierces the firmament with thoughts of distance ancient is the cloud that
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this and all images on this page are pencil-like mandala and symmetric in nature.

inner sketch

code + poetry when you sit — quiet as an observer — of thought or of not a thought connecting — nodes — paths you
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a work of art with a stick with 3 draping wires full of paper strips and beads

Serendipitous Oulipo Haiku

I copied, pasted, cut, poked, threaded, beaded, coded, and finished Serendipitous Oulipo Haiku. Four hundred and eighteen haiku when rearranged by first, second, and third lines yield 418 x 418 x 418 poems. That is 73,034,632 haiku that often work, sometimes seem profound, and other times are broken
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a butterfly on a stone

A Year of Haiku

In 2021 I published a set of haiku every 19 days. I found myself grow as a poet and a strength in pairing my thoughts with photography and art. Below are links to each set of haiku: 1 – clouds splash at my feet 2- whispering of blue 3- you lay cleft at dawn 4- […]
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a dead cottonwood standing tall and reaching to the sky

Fall 2021 Update

As the school year kicks off and all my classes are on a roll, I find myself posting less. So, here is an update of what’s been going on in my world. Poetry I have continued my practice of posting my haiku practice every 19 days. Click here for latest set of haiku. As usual […]
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February Highlights

February Highlights

Coding: On January 31st, I started 101 days of creative coding. After a few setbacks (11 days with no power), I am on track. Please check out 101 days of creative coding on a computer to fully engage with the interactive days. I didn’t want to spam everyone with a daily blog post, but there […]
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Random Math Poetry

Random Math Poetry

I think the challenge here is to find the math that can fit the poetry… If you want a browser tab version, click here. You can also edit it and change the words as well. Below is the codepen: See the Pen OJNKQmE by Sophia (@fractalkitty) on CodePen.
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three math haiku with separators

Week 19: Math Haiku

Poetry forms are like a puzzles. You have to take the words you want to say and rearrange them, find synonyms, and reformulate them until they can fit in a form. This problem solving is so similar in math. One of the first forms to play with is the Haiku. It is a three line […]
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Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



Creative Coding