4 min read

Time at the Recurse Center

voronoi diagram with small cells down a vertical line in the center and large cells at the right and left edges

In January, I kicked off a journey of reflection and growth at the Recurse Center (RC) – a retreat where you work at the edge of your abilities with wonderful peers to pair program, study with, and grow.

My goals in participating were to learn and play with different programming languages, recharge, reflect – and most importantly become an alumnus. You see – I am a lifelong learner and look forward to the years to come of book clubs, deep dives, discussion and the community that RC nurtures. In other words – you never graduate!

As I finish my last week, I'd like to reflect on what I've played with and what's next.

A few of the activities and projects that I did over these 12 weeks are as follows:

sketch of a polaroid of a cockatiel
white chiral shape being held in a hand
desktop with lemniscate in a window and starter sunset background that comes with the raspberry pi
balls bouncing on a plane as it rotates - pink balls and gray-pink plane.
python drawing tool showing equilateral triangle being created
  • Svelte 5 blog infrastructure - no content yet
  • I also participated in other groups such as game-dev, critical AI discussion, morning meditation, category theory, puzzles, and more.
  • I gave presentations on:
    • RPG in STEM education
    • Using art to learn Math and so much more
    • Stream of conscious coding (your vibe sans AI and external outputs
    • Experimental journal project

What's next

As you can see, the list is long and I have probably missed a few things. I have truly enjoyed my time in batch and I look forward to never graduating and continuing to learn and grow in this community. As I finish my last week I reflect on these last 3 months and feel like I have grown, decompressed, and made friends along the way.

Here are some of my plans for coding in the near future:

  • I really enjoyed pairing and learning about how powerful Houdini is for 3d art and visualization. I plan to take a few weeks after my batch and explore the software more.
  • I want to start a personal blog that isn't math centric for gardening, hot takes, deep dives, fiber, and more. I scaffolded one in Svelte, but am still working out the details of it. I hope to solidify what I am doing here and launch in the next month or so.
  • I want to continue my growth with TypeScript, Python, d3.js and static sites. I hope to play with educational interactives, data visualization, and more.
  • I plan to continue creatively coding in p5.js - I dream in this language.

As far as work goes – opportunity often comes from directions not anticipated, so I plan to listen, meditate, learn and play until I find the next thing. In the meantime, I will grow food in my garden, continue to blog, tutor, and find ways to enrich my community.

Want to become a better programmer? Join the Recurse Center!


Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



Creative Coding