to remind ourselves
a coded poem

function setup() {
//we make these spaces for creation
createCanvas(600, 600);
function draw() {
//in which notions of time repeat
aNotionofTime = abs(sin(frameCount / 500));
//in which notions of time cease
aNotionofUnTime = abs(cos(frameCount / 500));
//where magnitudes of color are relative
aMagnitudeofColor = random(240 - 200 * aNotionofTime);
//we loop in the finite and infinite
for (let i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
//finding points to touch
verticalExistence = random(0, height);
//with creative contrasts of thought
bandsOfContrast =(verticalExistence * abs(sin(verticalExistence / 100))) / 3;
strokeWeight(random(0.5, 5));
stroke(50 + aMagnitudeofColor - bandsOfContrast + 30 * aNotionofTime,50 + aMagnitudeofColor - bandsOfContrast - 30 * aNotionofTime,50 + aMagnitudeofColor * 2 - bandsOfContrast - 30 * aNotionofTime,10);
//linear footprints in a euclidean space
line(randomGaussian(0, width),verticalExistence,randomGaussian(0, width),verticalExistence);
//beneath clouds of light
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
translate(0, (-width / 2) * aNotionofUnTime);
//to remind ourselves
function rock() {
fill(50 + 205 * aNotionofUnTime,50 + 205 * aNotionofUnTime,50 + 205 * aNotionofUnTime,2);
let ephemeris = createVector(random(width / 2 - 20, width / 2),random(height / 2 - 20, height / 2 + 20));
let aVolumeofSelf = randomGaussian(10, 200);
circle(ephemeris.x, ephemeris.y, aVolumeofSelf);
//to breathe
Code is below and here:
See the Pen //to remind ourselves by Sophia (fractal kitty) (she/her) (@fractalkitty) on CodePen.
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