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Week 6: Randomness using pi

This week learners will create a work of art using pi. The goal here is not to understand pi, but to play with randomness. We will dive into the ratio of circumference and diameter on another week. Pi’s decimals go on forever and without pattern. Here are some ideas to play with that randomness: Bui
lux blox arranged in a line as a bar chart for the digits of pi
lux blox arranged in a line as a bar chart for the digits of pi
Pi with Lux Blox

This week learners will create a work of art using pi. The goal here is not to understand pi, but to play with randomness. We will dive into the ratio of circumference and diameter on another week. Pi’s decimals go on forever and without pattern. Here are some ideas to play with that randomness:

  • Build a skyline with your favorite building toy using the digits of pi
  • Use graph paper and shade a skyline of pi
  • Assign a note from 0-9 on instruments or bells and have the learners play the digits in order to hear the randomness
    • Example: C = 0, D = 1, E = 2, F = 3, G =4, A = 5, B = 6, C = 7, D = 8, E = 9 (where you use more than an octave. You can also use sharps, flats, or skip notes)
    • You can also assign chords to each digit rather than notes
  • String or circle art with pi (you can do a circle with 10 points)
a drawing of Pi using a circle with a point every 36 degrees
Pi using a circle with a point every 36 degrees
two papers - one with a circle with bars around it and the other as a city
Students’ pieces

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Mathematics educator and creative coder exploring the beauty of mathematical concepts through interactive visualizations and playful learning.



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